Release of BirdieSync (Thunderbird 6.0)

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Release of BirdieSync (Thunderbird 6.0)

Post by Birdy »


Although BirdieSync was heavily tested, before installing this new version, it is highly recommended to BACKUP your data as mentioned in this FAQ topic:


- Support of Thunderbird 6.0

Bug fixes:

Windows Mobile: Mail with an empty body synchronized from the mobile device could have an incorrect body.



- Android: An error is now displayed if no event account was selected in BirdieSync settings on the Android device
- Android: A specific error is now displayed if a contact is placed in a group whose account is different from the contact one.

Bug fixes:

- Android: If an important number of contacts were modified in Thundebird, synchronization of contacts and events could lead to unresolved items.



- Support of Thunderbird 5.0

In order to allow Android users to still use the stock application to manage accounts, BirdieSync account is no longer used to synchronize contacts.

To bring more flexibility and to solve some specific problems with some Android devices, it is now possible to choose which contact and event accounts you wish to synchronize in BirdieSync options on the Android device.

After having installed BirdieSync on the Android device, please open BirdieSync settings and review account settings. Refer to BirdieSync help (Android account settings) for more information.

Contact synchronization should be RESET. If your contact were up-to-date in Thunderbird, you may choose "Replace" option at next synchronization.

- Android: Display name is no longer synchronized because it cannot be edited with stock calendar application.
- Android: It is now possible to manually remove calendars in accounts where calendars can be created by the synchronization (Menu/Remove calendar)
- Android: System log and BirdieSync device preferences are now archived by log archiver to easy bug investigation.

Bug fixes:

- If BirdieSync cannot listen to incoming connections because of a firewall, an explicit message is now displayed instead of an unexpected error
- If was not possible to launch help or log archiver from Thunderbird or Sunbird
- Android: Import of events could not propose to import events from accounts which had several calendars
- Android: In some particular circumstances, contacts could be synchronized from the mobile device to the PC each time you connected your mobile device.


This version is only compatible with Thunderbird 3.1 and Sunbird 1.0b1

Although BirdieSync was heavily tested, before installing this new version, it is highly recommended to BACKUP your data as mentioned in this FAQ topic:


To avoid problems with some specific Android devices, it was necessary to create an independant BirdieSync account to store contacts on the device. Contacts must be now created in BirdieSync account to be synchronized, and no longer in the default account of the Android device.

Therefore, if your Android device had already been synchronized with BirdieSync, it will be necessary to synchronize again all the contacts from Thunderbird to the empty BirdieSync account. To avoid duplicates with contacts already synchronized in the default account, it is necessary to remove them. The option to remove them will be displayed at the first synchronization. You may choose this option if you want to avoid having duplicates (the same contact would be present in the default account and in BirdieSync account). You can also remove events in the default account later using the menu "Remove events" on the mobile device.

If you now want to create or edit a contact that you wish to be synchronized with BirdieSync, choose "Create BirdieSync contact" or "Edit BirdieSync contact" after you asked the contact application to create or edit a contact.

- Android: Contacts are now synchronized in BirdieSync account and no longer in default contact account.
- BirdieSync contact creation and edition have now their own screen.
- Android: It is now possible to import contacts and events from other accounts in BirdieSync account (on the mobile device, menu Import/Remove)
- Android: With Android 2.1 devices not supporting HTC Sense, it is now possible to synchronize events with calendars belonging to other accounts than Google.
- Android: Display name is now synchronized.
- Android: If an item has an incorrect format and stops the enumeration of items on the mobile device, an error is now displayed identifying the problematic item.
- Android: An error is now displayed if several calendars have the same name in the same account.

Bug fixes:

- Under some circumstances, an unexpected error could be displayed when starting BirdieSync
- When the window to choose the synchronization mode (replace/combine) was displayed on the desktop, the synchronization status was not displayed on the mobile device
- If the selection of a Sunbird calendar to be synchronized was modified in Thunderbird (and vice versa), the calendar could not be found at next synchronization and the calendar could appear unselected in Sunbird.
- Windows Mobile: If an item was marked unresolved and if another item was modified on the mobile device while connected, the latter could be not synchronized on the desktop. Also application could not exit.
- Android: On some devices, if a Google account was created, new contacts were added to this account and could not be synchronized with BirdieSync
- Android: On some devices, contacts previously synchronized with BirdieSync in default contact account were considered as deleted at next synchronization
- Android: On some 2.1 devices, new contacts created on the mobile device were added to BirdieSync account and were not synchronized by BirdieSync
- Android: An unexpected error could be displayed with Android 3.x devices when synchronizing events
- Android: Although "Screen name" was synchronized on the Android device, it wasn't displayed in Android Contact application.
- Android: Connecting with a WLAN hostname could take 30s
- Android: If a calendar name has \ (backslash) in name, after the first synchronization, items could be deleted on the desktop at the next synchronization.
- Android: Some events with a specific duration format could lead to an unexpected error
- Android: Some recurring events with an incorrect recurrence format could stop the synchronization with an unexpected error
- Android: If other calendar applications were installed on the mobile device, synchronization could stop with an unexpected error
- Android: If a calendar was no longer selected to be synchronized in Sunbird BirdieSync options while synchronizing with Thunderbird (or vice versa), that could lead to incorrect deletions of events on the desktop in this calendar.


Bug corrections:

- When a communication failure happened with the mobile device, it could be displayed for Thunderbird or Sunbird instead



Android: On Android 2.1 mobile device, not supporting HTC Sense, as a workaround, it is now possible to synchronize with Google calendars.
Android: Keyboard is no longer immediately shown when Settings are displayed

Bug corrections:

Android: If no Wi-Fi or cellular network was present, asking for a connection could make the application crash
Android: When interacting with Android synchronization service, another BirdieSync process could be created and crash and the synchronization icon could remain in the status bar


Bug corrections:

Android: If USB debugging was not enabled, a warning was displayed when the mobile device was plugged. Application could crash when pressing the OK button.



Android: BirdieSync now runs in background on the mobile device. If a contact or an event is modified on the mobile device while it is connected to the desktop, synchronization is automatically launched.
Android: It is now possible to enter the local PC hostname instead of the IP address to connect over Wi-Fi.
Android: Huge performance improvement in contact comparison between the mobile device and the desktop after first synchronization
Android: If a local address is used while connecting over the cellular network, an alert is displayed
Android: If the connection fails and if the mobile device is connected over the cellular network, it is suggested to switch to Wi-fi if the host address is local.

Bug corrections:

- If an item could not be created on the desktop and appeared unresolved, clicking on "Deleted item" removed the item, but it sill appeared unresolved. Potential crash could happen during the resolution.
- If a single item category was synchronized, then the progress bars of the other categories were also reset.
- If a mail folder was no longer selected to be synchronized, a warning was unproperly displayed to the user mentioning that items would be deleted on the desktop and the mobile device
- Android: If password was not set on the mobile device and if the mobile device was connected over USB, an unexpected error could be displayed
- Android: It was necessary to set the password to be able to connect over USB
- Android: If BirdieSync was not running on the desktop or if the firewall didn't authorize BirdieSync to accept incoming connections, connection attempt could never end
- Android: If the USB connection error message was displayed on the desktop, it could then be impossible to reconnect the mobile device
- Android: If a calendar was no longer selected for synchronization and if the mobile device was not disconnected, items were removed on the mobile device at next synchronization
- Android: If a calendar was no longer selected to be synchronized and if the mobile device was reconnected, a warning was unproperly displayed to the user mentioning that items would be deleted on the desktop and the mobile device


Bug corrections:

- After having synchronized with "Combine" options, if duplicates were removed at the end of the synchronization, at next synchronization, an incorrect warning could be displayed mentioning that items will be deleleted on the desktop and the mobile device


Bug corrections:

- Icon displayed in error message could be incorrect
- Android: Over the air connection could be disrupted during the synchronization
- Android: If the mobile device was rotated, the synchronization status was set to "Not connected to host". Connecting could then display an error.
- Android: If a mobile device had been connected over the air, plugged and then unplugged, the connection was disrupted
- Android: If Wi-Fi and cellular networks were disabled, it was not possible to connect with a USB connection


Bug corrections:

- Android: BirdieSync application could freeze when trying to connect to the desktop over USB
- Android: On some devices, BirdieSync could not connect over USB, displaying an error message on the device and no message on the desktop
- Android: Events synchronized from the desktop didn't raise an alarm on the device (no sound or notification message) although the alarm was properly synchronized



- Android devices can now synchronize over a USB connection

Bug corrections:

- A message is now displayed if BirdieSync server port is already used
- Android: Some recurring events with an incorrect recurrence format could stop the whole synchronization with an unexpected error


Bug corrections:

- On Android devices, in some particular circumstances, calendar synchronization way could be incorrect.


Bug corrections:

- BirdieSync process could exit immediately after being started in a new installation


Bug corrections:

- Upgrading from a version of BirdieSync newly installed since could lead to an unexpected error


Bug corrections:

- Windows Mobile: An unexpected error could be displayed when connecting the mobile device
- Android: At the very first synchronization, if calendars selected for synchronization didn't exist yet on the mobile device and events were present in other calendars on the mobile device, synchronization in "Combine" mode could lead to unresolved items.


Bug corrections:

- Installation of Microsoft VC Redistributable could leave file in C:
- Android: Recurring events synchronized from Thunderbird with deleted occurrences could lead to unresolved items
- Android: On Motorola device, a contact which was manually created on the mobile device was not synchronized in Thunderbird
- Android: On Motorola device, rebooting the mobile device could lead to the deletions of contacts in Thunderbird previously synchronized from Thunderbird
- Android: On Morotola device, birthday date was not properly synchronized
- Android: Version was not traced in the log


Bug corrections:

- Android: On Samsung devices, synchronization could stop with an unexpected error during enumeration of the events on the mobile device.
- Android: On HTC devices, contact emails were not synchronized to Thunderbird.
- Windows Mobile: Thunderbird contact, event and task descriptions with only one character was not synchronized on the mobile device.


Bug corrections:

- Android: Because of the specific definition of some recurring events, synchronization could stop with an unexpected error during enumeration of the events on the mobile device.



- Event synchronization for Android devices

Users who tried BirdieSync Android version previously can test these new features during 10 more days of trial period

Although BirdieSync was heavily tested, before installing this new version, it is highly recommended to BACKUP your data as mentioned in this FAQ topic:

Bug corrections:

- If items were deleted on the mobile device, it could lead to the duplication of other items at next synchronization.
- If an occurrence was modified on the device in a all day series, after synchronization in Lightning/Sunbird the series event still appeared beside the modified occurrence.
- Windows Mobile: In some rare circumstances, if the difference of times between the mobile device and the desktop was too important, the synchronization could stop with an unexpected error.
- Android: application exited when the orientation of the device was changed
- Android: In settings, the "Save" button could remain grayed out even if fields were properly filled.


Bug corrections:

- Under some circumstances, BirdieSync could not be started and a message "Cannot get user application directory" was displayed
- It was not possible to use BirdieSync if Thunderbird/Sunbird profile was accessed with a NTFS junction point.
- Android: If a field different than contact name fields was modified in Thunderbird, synchronization could lead to an unresolved item



- Support of Android contact synchronization
- IP addresses are now listed on several lines when displayed in BirdieSync synchronization options

Bug corrections:

- Sometimes, exiting BirdieSync desktop application had no effect
- Thunderbird could crash after being set online again.
- In some particular cases, synchronization of recurring events on Windows Mobile devices could lead to unresolved items
- Sunbird and Miscellaneous panel are now hidden in BirdieSync options if the mobile device is an iPhone
- If an error happened while reading the characteristics of a particular storage device, the list of storage devices could not be filled in BirdieSync options
- The installer no longer mention events, tasks and mails when installing BirdieSync for iPhone devices
- No error message was displayed at startup if the user application data directory could not be found
- iPhone: application could crash while synchronizing particular contacts already present on the iPhone
- iPhone: entering a hostname instead of an IP address in the settings made the application crash when connecting
- iPhone: if the hostname could not be resolved, no error message was displayed
- iPhone: in some rare circumstances, identical passwords set on the desktop and the mobile device could mismatch
- iPhone: the "File as" field in Thunderbird contact was emptied when the contact was synchronized from the iPhone


Bug corrections:

- If ActiveSync (XP) or the Windows Mobile Device Center (Vista or 7) had never been installed, a crash or an error mentioning that the DLL rapi.dll was not found could be displayed when launching BirdieSync. BirdieSync options could not open in Thunderbird.
- On Windows Mobile devices, when disconnected, BirdieSync log could abnormally increase.
- BirdieSync window did not open when BirdieSync was minimized in the system tray and another instance of BirdieSync was launched.



- Support of iPhone contact synchronization

Bug corrections:

- Some error messages displayed on Windows Mobile devices could be hidden


During installation of this new version, before the new mobile device part of BirdieSync is installed, you may see an "unexpected error" displayed: please ignore it. It comes from an incompatibility with the previous version still installed on the mobile device.

Because of internal changes in Lightning, synchronization of events and tasks will be reseted and you'll have to choose again which calendars you wish to synchronize for events and tasks in BirdieSync options. Then you'll have to activate again event and task synchronization in BirdieSync "Activation" tab.

Before the installation of this new version, it is highly recommended to BACKUP your data as mentioned in this FAQ topic:


- Support of Thunderbird 3.1 and Lightning 1.0b2

Users who tried BirdieSync previously can test these new features during 10 more days of trial period


Bug corrections:

- If the time zone on the mobile device had no Daylight Saving Time (DST), an unexpected error could be displayed when connecting the mobile device
- Creating a new mail account could lead to a crash of Thunderbird



- An error is now displayed on the mobile device if a Windows Mobile 2003 version is installed instead of the correct Windows Mobile 5.x/6.x version.

Bug corrections:

- If mails were downloaded from the internet on the mobile device and then synchronized in Thunderbird, it could lead to a communication failure with Thunderbird which could sometimes crash.
- If a Windows Mobile 2003 version of BirdieSync was installed on a mobile device with Windows Mobile 5.x or 6.x, an error was displayed when BirdieSync was started on the mobile device, even after the correct version was installed again.



- The context of the synchronization is now displayed in Birdiesync log.

Bug corrections:

- If some items could not be synchronized, BirdieSync could sometimes crash on the desktop.
- Synchronizing a recurring event with a lot of modified occurences could lead to additional synchronizations from the mobile device at the end the synchronization. The speed to synchronize such events is now improved.
- If several mobile devices were synchronized with BirdieSync, removing a mobile device in the Activation tab could lead to a full new synchronization of the other devices with duplicates on both devices. The history was also unproperly cleaned for all devices.
- If an unresolved item was duplicated, it could stop the first full synchronization with an unexpected error



- BirdieSync now supports Sunbird 1.0b1
- It is now possible to order the columns of the History tab and for instance to keep the most recent entries at the top of the list. The setting is kept even if BirdieSync is restarted.
- The period of time to detect that BirdieSync mobile part could not connect was increased
- It is now possible to choose to hide the message mentioning that BirdieSync mobile part could not connect

Bug corrections:

- Mobile device contacts created from Google and then synchronized in Thunderbird could have an incorrect birthday date
- If an address book/calendar/mail folder selected for synchronization was not found, its name was not present in the error message. This message is now more detailed.
- When BirdieSync desktop program is not running while the mobile device is connected, connection errors are no longer traced to avoid increasing the size of the log on the mobile device.
- On Windows Mobile 5.x-6.5 devices, synchronization of modified contacts without photo from the desktop could lead to additional synchronizations from the mobile device at the end the synchronization.
- On very particular circumstance, the log archiver could not start and displayed an unexpected error.
- Directory listing in logs displayed the first file of a folder twice.
- If Sunbird was running when reinstalling BirdieSync over a previous installation, it could be impossible to install some files


Caution: Users who installed 2.0.1.x are advised to update to

Bug corrections:

- When reconnected, the mobile device could be sometimes identified as a new one leading to a full resynchronization
- During installation, an error could be incorrectly displayed mentioning that the user used to execute the installer was different from the session user



- BirdieSync now installs for all users on the computer
- In uninstallation, it is now possible to remove synchronization data
- Installation log is now only stored in temporary folder
- Mobile device installation log now contains the 2 phases of the installation

Bug corrections:

- BirdieSync installer could crash
- After an installation on a new mobile device, an unexpected error could be displayed preventing the connection of BirdieSync mobile device part
- BirdieSync could leave installation files in temporary folder
- Uninstallation could leave files if Thunderbird or Sunbird was running


Caution: installing this new version could lead to the synchronization of some items from the mobile device to the PC during the first connection


- The mobile device no longer needs to be "application unlocked" which was generally the case of Smartphones (no touch screen)
- On Windows Vista and 7, the Windows Mobile Device Center is no longer needed to install BirdieSync. So now BirdieSync can install and run without needing the Windows Mobile Device Center.

- If an item is synchronized to a read only calendar, the failure reason is now displayed in the unresolved items list
- Logs and data on mobile device were moved to BirdieSync application data directory
- Registry key names are now properly displayed in logs
- Progress status and mobile device status are now distinct in log archiver
- New error messages are now displayed:
Impossible for BirdieSync on the mobile device to connect to the desktop
Impossible to lock a mail folder
Impossible to access a mail folder
Listing of mails in a folder is interrupted
BirdieSync is not installed on the mobile device
BirdieSync is not compatible with the version of Thunderbird or Sunbird
Another instance of BirdieSync is running under a different user windows account.

Bug corrections:

- BirdieSync now fully supports the installation on a Windows standard user account (elevation with administrator rights is still needed)
- The creation of new mail folders synchronized on the mobile device could lead to a communication failure.
- Synchronization of mails on the mobile device could be slow on Windows Mobile 5.x devices.
- On Windows Mobile 2003 devices, synchronization of recurring events with alarms from the desktop could lead to additional synchronizations from the mobile device at the end the synchronization.
- An error displayed after a previous one could display incorrect parameters.
- If lines in Thunderbird or Sunbird profiles.ini were commented with a ';' character, an error was displayed during installation when cleaning profiles.


Bug corrections:

- Contact category was not synchronized
- Desktop events and tasks with non local date and time were not synchronized with the correct time
- If a mobile device appointment had attendees, synchronization of this item in a Google calendar could lead to an unresolved item
- Sending of invitations is now disabled when synchronizing an event in a Google calendar
- If an appointment synchronized with a Google calendar was modified twice on the mobile device, it could lead to an unresolved item
- Synchronization of contacts could sometimes lead to an "unexpected error"
- If a contact with a photo was modified on the mobile device and then if the contact was edited in Thunderbird, the photo was no longer displayed in the photo tab.
- In the confirmation window to delete items during the synchronization, a tip was added to reset the synchronization.


The long awaited BirdieSync 2.0 is now available ! :-) This is a major step for BirdieSync since it now has its own synchronization engine, no longer relies on ActiveSync for synchronization and supports Thunderbird 3.0 and Lightning/Sunbird 1.0. Here are some of the new functionalities available in this version:

Supports of the new versions of Thundebird and Sunbird:

- Thunderbird 3.0 and Lightning (1.0b1)/Sunbird 1.0b2pre (17th of January) support
- Photo synchronization

Better control of synchronization:

- New synchronization engine (no longer uses ActiveSync for synchronization)
- History of all the operations performed during the synchronization
- Easy identification and management of the possible unresolved items
- You can now synchronize with more than 2 computers (ex: home, work and laptop)
- Setting of the synchronization frequency (it was not possible with ActiveSync in Vista and 7)
- Possibility to choose which version to keep if an item was simultaneously modified on desktop and mobile device (it was not possible with ActiveSync in Vista and 7)
- Possibility to replace all your items on the mobile device at first synchronization (it was not possible with ActiveSync in Vista and 7)
- You can also restart from start the synchronization of a single category of items (contacts, events, etc.)

More user-friendly:

- Errors during synchronization are now clearly displayed (no more "attention required")
- Independent synchronization set up and no more confusion with Outlook synchronization
- It is no longer necessary to reconnect the mobile device after BirdieSync options were updated
- Common errors on the mobile device no longer disconnect the mobile device and are displayed on the desktop
- All synchronization information is accessible from a single window

More security:

- Confirmation requested if the number of deleted items is superior to a configurable threshold
- Warning displayed if the mobile device hadn't been synchronized for a long period of time


This new version relies on an entirely new synchronization engine. Although this version has been thoroughly tested, before installing it, it is STRONGLY recommended to BACKUP your data as described in this FAQ topic.

Known problems:

No warning is displayed if items are deleted on the mobile device because there were synchronized in a folder whose synchronization way is "From PC to mobile device".
If you install BirdieSync on a restricted Windows user account (no administrator rights), it is necessary to exit BirdieSync (and possibly Thunderbird or Sunbird) at the of the installation and to save again BirdieSync synchronization options as well as BirdieSync options in Thunderbird or Sunbird. It may also be necessary to clean up extension cache as described in this FAQ topic.

Download and installation:

You must first install Thunderbird 3.0 and Lighthing 1.0b1 or Sunbird 1.0b2pre (17th of January). Caution: these versions are not finalized so they could be unstable.

It is recommended to UNINSTALL BirdieSync (also on the mobile device) before installing this new version.

You may DOWNLOAD the version and try it for 21 days.

Although BirdieSync has now its own synchronization engine, it is presently still necessary to install ActiveSync or the Window Mobile Device Center.
On XP, it is still necessary to install ActiveSync to be able to connect your mobile device and access to your mobile device files from the desktop.
On Vista and 7, it is only necessary to install the Windows Mobile Device Center to be able to install BirdieSync on the mobile device. But it should be possible to uninstall the WMDC afterwards.

License upgrade:

Registered users of BirdieSync may upgrade to this new major version for half the original price. Users who have registered their version of BirdieSync in the last 3 months before the official release of BirdieSync (so from the 26th of October 2009) are offered a free upgrade.

Future developments:

This new synchronization engine gives the possibility to overcome a lot of ActiveSync limitations and offer exciting possibilities of new features. Stay tuned ! :-)

Specials thanks:

Thanks to all the users who tried the beta and helped improving the quality of the final release !

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