thunderbird slow after bird sync installation

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thunderbird slow after bird sync installation

Post by mongostyles »


i use thunderbird which was realy fast an my notebook.
after i installed birdsync (which works fine) the problem is, that browsing in the mail folders is a bit slower,
but browsing in the rss feeds or marking more items in there is realy a nightmare.
When i uninstall birdsync, everything works fine.

Did someone know that problem?
How could it be solved?


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Re: thunderbird slow after bird sync installation

Post by Birdy »

Hello mongostyles,

I don't see an immediate link with BirdieSync but maybe there is one. If you leave BirdieSync installed by simply disabling the extension, do you still have the problem ?
Could you confirm that no BirdieSync synchronization is being performed while you browse the RSS feed ?
Do you synchronize mail with BirdieSync ?
On which operating system are you ?

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Re: thunderbird slow after bird sync installation

Post by mongostyles »

Hello Birdy,

it must be a problem with birdsync.
When I disable birdsync extension everything is working fine.
I enabled the mentioned problem still back.
No, the problem comes when no sync is active! Also when no mobile is connected.

No I only sync calendar, adressbock and tasks.

I get this problem under my old windows vista x64,
and now under windows 7 x64

Hope you could find out why.
At the moment I disables birdsync because working with thundebird makes me crazy with that problem.

regards markus

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