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More than one professional email

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:17 pm
by benjamin.drouin

BirdieSync is a great solution for iPhone/TB address book sync, but I may have an issue with my contacts emails:

I have contacts that have more than one professional email. Once I have sync my address books, I find that BirdieSync only assign one of these profissional email to my contacts in TB.

... Has anyone had this issue? Can someone help me?


Re: More than one professional email

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:55 pm
by Birdy
Hello Benjamin,

The problem is that Thunderbird only have 2 email contact fields: "Email" and "Additional email". The iPhone may have a lot more emails with different types (Other, iCloud, Custom...) and have several emails with the same type (so several professional emails).
Presently BirdieSync synchronizes Thunderbird "Email" with iPhone "Home email" and Thunderbird "Additional email" with iPhone "Work email". So if you have a third email address, it is not possible to synchronize it.

If you have a contact with 2 professional emails, a possible workaround would be to store one email in "Home email" and one in "Work email" on the iPhone.