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by Christoph21x
Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:20 pm
Forum: Translations
Topic: Beta-Testers needed for German Translation
Replies: 0
Views: 37896

Beta-Testers needed for German Translation

Dear All, thank you very much for all of your contribution, which is the reason, we can now - I think, a little bit proud - go into the next stage: The Beta testing! Within the next few days, Birdy is willing to create a beta version of all your proposals and reviews and hand it to users, who are ...
by Christoph21x
Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:26 am
Forum: Translations
Topic: German Translation
Replies: 12
Views: 93519

Re: German Translation

PLEASE HELP TO GET IT DONE! Dear all, Servantoftheking and myself would like to "shift gear" and kindly ask for your assistance and effort. The current status is 56% and we need your experience and know-how to push it ahead. Every single phrase translation helps the project - why not translating one ...
by Christoph21x
Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:10 am
Forum: Translations
Topic: German Translation
Replies: 12
Views: 93519

Re: German Translation

Ein Hallo in die Runde! Melde mich als Neuer hier und bin gleich schon anderer Meinung ;) Der Begriff "Desktop" ist in den Sprachgebrauch eingeflossen, nicht nur Tekkies verwenden ihn, sondern nahezu Jeder, der (und sei es im Büro) mit dem PC arbeitet. Und da steht er nicht für die Bildschirm(ober)f ...